notion canine

To develop your dog!

My Dog Won’t Go Out in the Rain : What to Do

chien sous la pluie



It’s raining and your dog won’t go out in the rain. As soon as he puts his nose out, he stops moving. He has to potty, but he still prefers to stay warm.

Surely you are also not happy about the idea of walking in the rain. Maybe you just want to open the door for him so he can get out to relieve himself, but he couldn’t care less.




Why Doesn’t My Dog Want to Go Out in the Rain?


Some dogs prefer to hold it in rather than having to go outside. When you open the door for him he sees the weather and goes straight back inside.

A dog does not want to go out in the rain because he lacks motivation or is not used to being in the rain.

First, your dog will mirror your emotions. So if you’re not as playful as usual, your dog won’t be either. If you’re stressed or anxious about going out, your dog will be too.

Dogs are very good observers. They watch us all day and analyze our every move, including our faces. Over time, they learn to recognize how we feel.

Second, he might not be used to going out when it’s raining. This is because he was probably not used to walking in the rain when he was just a puppy.

In addition, some dogs have more difficulty adapting to change than others. In other words, the ground no longer has the same texture as usual. So he might not be used to being wet or the feeling of drops falling on his body.





What Should I Do to Get My dog Out When it Rains?


Maybe you have a yard where your dog regularly goes to relieve himself, but he no longer wants to go out when it rains. You may even want to go for a walk, but your dog thinks otherwise.

To help your dog get outside when it rains, go outside with him. It’s boring for your dog to go alone, but it’s better to be accompanied by his favorite human who will encourage him.

Sometimes all you need to do is hang out with him and cheer him up to go outside. Have positive energy, speak with a high-pitched voice, and be enthusiastic.

Encourage him to go out with treats or his favorite toy. For the treat, you don’t need to give him large chunks. You can cut them the size of a small pea and prioritize quality over quantity. The better the taste of the treat is, the more he will want to follow you.

If you know he likes a toy more, then you can use it as a motivator instead of a treat.

Having a canine friend can also motivate him and divert his attention from the rain. If your dog has a friend he’s used to playing with, he might be more motivated to go for a walk.

If your dog finds walks unpleasant, he may not want to go out. Maybe your dog doesn’t like going for walks because he doesn’t like to get wet or because his collar makes him uncomfortable. In this case, it would be better to have the right equipment to make the walks pleasant.

Once out, congratulate him with loads of pets and encouraging words. You can also reward him with treats.






Which Equipment Can Help My Dog Want to Go Out in the Rain?


It is important to make the walks as pleasant as possible, especially when it rains. Your dog needs to be comfortable going outside for him to have a positive experience. This is what will motivate him to always go out in the future, no matter the weather.

Equipment that can help your dog out in the rain are boots, a raincoat, and a harness.

The coat and boots will help keep him dry while getting him used to being in the rain. It’s advantageous to own them since your dog won’t come home all wet. You won’t have to dry him and brush him so that he doesn’t get matted.

On the other hand, you must get him used to wearing boots and a coat. If your dog is not used to it, he will freeze or try to remove them. You can also bring an umbrella so that he can be even more protected from the rain.





Why Is a Harness Important During Walks?


Having a harness is very important for your dog to be comfortable during walks. If your dog pulls on the leash or is reactive to other people or dogs, it is essential to have a harness for his safety.

Even if your dog doesn’t pull on the leash, having a harness is still safer.

Your dog may not like walks because his collar presses on his throat and hurts him. He might not want to go out because he associates walking with pain.

In the long run, if you don’t have a harness for your leash-pulling dog, he could develop back and trachea problems.

Thus, the harness distributes the pressure over his whole body, which avoids this kind of problem and makes the walk pleasant.





How to Get Your Dog Used to a New Gear?


To get your dog used to a piece of new equipment, put it on the floor or in his bed so he can sniff it and soak up his scent. Then, give him small pieces of treats while showing him the equipment. Do this exercise every day until he is comfortable in his presence.

Also, try to get him used to the noise it can make. Shake it and rub it in front of your dog while giving him treats.

When your dog is used to seeing the gear, you can put it on, give him treats, and then take it off. You will know that your dog is used to seeing his gear if he has no reaction or is happy when handling it.

Afterward, you can get him used to wearing it for a longer period. We start with one minute, then we gradually increase the time. Make sure to go at their own pace, as some dogs get used to it faster than others.

Over time, he’ll understand that putting on his gear means he’ll get treats.

Once your dog is happy to put on his gear, you can then test it outside. Bring some treats to reward him and to create a positive association with being outside when it rains.

You can give less or stop giving treats once he gets used to wearing his equipment outside. Eventually, he’ll understand that putting on his gear means he’ll have an enjoyable walk.




Patience is Key!


Help your dog out by motivating him, bringing treats, and getting him some boots and a coat. Always reward your dog for having good behavior.

Whether it’s because he’s calm or because he went out in the rain even though he didn’t feel like it, give him lots of pets, his toy or his favorite treat.

Your dog needs a leader who will show him how to adopt the right behavior.  Have a good walk!



dresseur de chien

Élodie Roy MCP

Dog Obedience Trainer

As a certified dog trainer and cynologist, I offer an approach based on positive reinforcement to help you strengthen the bond with your canine companion. My methods are based on an approach scientifically proven to be the most effective, without the use of coercion, fear or pain. Through my experience, I have put together several important tips to improve your relationship with your dog.

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