Returning a Shelter Pet: Expectations and Stress

Adopting a shelter pet is considered to be the most ethical method of obtaining an animal. Moreover, most adopters are satisfied to be new pet parents of a shelter animal. On the other hand, it sometimes happens that the pet is returned. This can decrease the chances of future adoption for both the […]
Low-Quality Kibble : Aflatoxin Poisoning

Low-quality kibble poisoning is more common than you might think. Some dogs won’t have any immediate symptoms, but over the years it often happens that a dog develops health issues. This is why pet parents don’t always think the problem is related to the kibble. You have probably already heard that feeding your […]
13 Tips to Calm an Overly Excited Dog in the Car

An overly excited dog in the car can be stressful for all passengers and distract the driver. In this article, you will find training exercises, as well as several tools to help your dog stay calm in the car. Why Is My Dog Overly Excited in the Car? Here are […]
Dog Punishment : The Best Technique

Knowing how to punish your dog properly can be difficult. Don’t worry, he is not looking for revenge or rebellion. He only responds to his natural needs and has no conscience between good and evil. Most of the time we think that punishment is related to reprimanding your dog by saying “NO”, “Stop!” […]
How Dogs Learn

It is inevitable for animals to learn. Whether young, old, small, or large, every dog can learn. They can be trained for many tasks and athletic skills. We’ve even taught dolphins to jump through hoops, pigs to play video games, and gorillas to learn sign language. Modern dog training methods are based on […]
Resource guarding: The Complete Guide

Resource guarding is a complex behavior. It is also one of the most common types of aggression in dogs. You have probably already noticed a dog growling if someone passes too close to his bowl during his meal. In this situation, the dog shows aggressive behavior, but resource guarding can also be expressed […]
The Interactive Bowl for a Smart Dog!

The interactive bowl also called a slow feeder bowl is an enrichment accessory that every dog and cat owner should own. Nowadays, most animals have a bowl where they have no effort to make to get their food. This way of doing things is boring for your pet since it is natural for […]
Rawhide: The Worst Dog Treat

Rawhide can pose a danger to your four-legged friend. This is arguably the most well-known type of dog chew treat of all since it is affordable. This treat is made from dried animal skins that have been processed and shaped for chewing. By reading this article, you will understand why rawhide is the worst […]
My Dog Won’t Go Out in the Rain : What to Do

It’s raining and your dog won’t go out in the rain. As soon as he puts his nose out, he stops moving. He has to potty, but he still prefers to stay warm. Surely you are also not happy about the idea of walking in the rain. Maybe you just want to open […]
Stop Your Dog From Jumping Up : Important Tips

Preventing your dog from jumping can be difficult since he must control his excitement. It can be cute to see your dog or puppy jumping up when he’s happy to see his owner. On the other hand, if you receive guests, we find it a lot more annoying. It could even be dangerous […]